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1.56 Anti-Fatigue Eye Rest Lens (Shamir Design) 

Our company is focused on optical lens products and I’m very excited to introduce to you a new innovative lens we call Anti-Fatigue lens, this product is suitable for age 25-40 years old,

in their everyday life, they will use various 3C products such as computers, smartphone, and TV. Today we use the Anti-Fatigue lens to protect your eyes. Probably most people have never seen this new products, so we need you to introduce it to more and more people.


We believe there must be great potential /opportunity in your target markets.  With proper introduction, more and more people will accept this kind of product. 


What is visual fatigue?

Visual fatigue is a problem that busy people are acutely aware of. It affects more than 60%* of individuals, whether their eyesight is corrected or not. This is a phenomenon caused by many factors related to our lifestyle and activities, which increasingly require the prolonged use of intermediate/near vision.  

An unprecedented innovation

This patented design by Sharmir supports the wearer's accommodation efforts and thus relieves visual fatigue, 


 ■ A slight built-in variation in power (+0.66 D) to support the wearers accommodation for close range tasks throughout the day.

 ■ Optimal aspherisation for instant adaptation

 ■ The lens provides much greater comfort than a standard single vision correction, as the wearers' natural accommodation pattern is retained


Patient benefits

 ■ Reduces visual fatigue associated with intermediate/non vision work for pre-presbyopes

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